Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner
Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner

Kaffe fra Yemen, grønne bønner

Normal pris25,00kr
Inklusiv moms. Forsendelse beregnes ved kassen.

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Er du barista eller vil prøve at riste din egen kaffe, kan vi tilbyde grønne kaffebønner fra Yemen. Vi tog 10 natural microlot kaffer hjem til World of Coffee i København i samarbejde med Yemen Journey og her kan du købe nogle af Yemens bedste og mest unikke kaffer og riste selv.

Vi har prøver på 100 g og pakninger på hhv. 5, 10 eller 15 kg afhængig af kaffen.

 Description Price pr kg

Lot code: RM
Variety Ja'adi
Region: East Haraz
Elevation: 2300 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 89,25
Notes from cupping: Berry, butter, chocolate, floral, jasmine, rose

Farm price: US$ 40
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 77,6 / DKK 540

Lot code: FR
Variety Ja'adi
Region: East Haraz
Elevation: 1900-2100 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 89,25
Notes from cupping: Berry, caramel, chocolate, floral. rose

Farm price: US$ 40
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 77,6 / DKK 540

Lot code: M
Variety Ja'adi
Region: East Haraz
Elevation: 1800-2000 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 89
Notes from cupping: Berry, caramel, rose, grape

Farm price: US$ 39
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 75,9 / DKK 528

Lot code: H20
Variety Ja'adi
Region: East Haraz
Elevation: 1900-2100 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 89,25
Notes from cupping: Caramel, chocolate, sweet, berry, floral, strawberry

Farm price: US$ 40
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 77,6 / DKK 540

Lot code: HA
Variety Ja'adi
Region: West Haraz
Elevation: 1800-2200 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 86
Notes from cupping: Butter, caramel, chocolate, floral, jasmine

Farm price: US$ 14
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 32,78/ DKK 228

Lot code: HJ
Variety Odaini
Region: Hajjah
Elevation: 2000 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 86,25
Notes from cupping: Caramel, chocolate, dark chocolate

Farm price: US$ 20
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 43,23/ DKK 300

Lot code: HI
Variety Odaini
Region: Hiwar/Ibb
Elevation: 1700 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 87
Notes from cupping: Berry, butter, caramel, chocolate, cream, fruity, honey, mango

Farm price: US$ 20
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 43,23/ DKK 300

Lot code: BB (Khawlani)
Variety Odaini
Region: Khawlani
Elevation: 1800-2000 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 86
Notes from cupping: Cocoa, hazel nuts and honey.

Farm price: US$ 17
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 37,9/ DKK 264

Lot code: ZQ (Ja'adi)
Variety Ja'adi
Region: West Haraz
Elevation: 1800 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 86
Notes from cupping:  Winy, floral, fruity, chocolate

Farm price: US$ 22
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 46,6 / DKK 324

Lot code: RR
Variety Ja'adi
Region: East Haraz
Elevation: 2300 m
Processing: Natural
Cupping score: 90
Notes from cupping: Floral, jasmine, rose
Farmer price: US$ 38

Farm price: US$ 38
Total* price, incl. VAT: US$ 74,18 / DKK 516

* Total price is inclusive of sorting, handling, packaging, transport to and in Denmark, customs treatment and handling in Denmark and inclusive of 25% VAT.

De grønne bønner leveres i vaccumpakkede ECOTACT poser. Prøverne på 100 g er pakket i tætte fødevaregodkendte poser med vindue. De grønne kaffebønner opbevares ved 6 grader i kølecontainer.

Læs blog-indlægget: På en kafferejse der beskriver det første besøg hos familierne i Sa'ada.

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